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17.01.2007 16:16 | пишет Jack | ссылка

Это типа, чтобы народ покупал их новый офис-2007, та на какой он мне хрен нужен ???

Outlook вообще не пользуюсь, редкое дерьмо.

17.01.2007 16:53 | пишет Kventin | ссылка

Если хозяин свиньи будет ее любить, то он умрет с голоду.

17.01.2007 17:53 | пишет xuxu4hok | ссылка


18.01.2007 12:00 | пишет Роберт | ссылка

Почтовик - штука удобная, однако из принципа я ими не пользуюсь, чего и вам желаю)))
Что до Outlook поддерживаю Jackа...

18.01.2007 13:19 | пишет Гость | ссылка

Вот ответ из MS-а на этот вопрос.

In past versions, Outlook actually used two rendering engines – IE’s for reading content, and Word for editing when you were composing messages. What this meant was that if you were replying or forwarding HTML emails, previous versions of Outlook would first use IE’s rendering engine to view it, then would have to switch over to the compose engine (Word).
• This wasn’t an ideal experience for customers, as often the content people created looked different to the recipient receiving it – like the formatting would be slightly off, or things wouldn’t appear as they had when the message was in “compose” mode. Added to that, one of the big things we heard in designing Outlook 2007 was that our customers wanted the rich editing tools they were used to from Word. As great as IE7 is, it was never designed to be an editing tool for text.
• On their end, the Word team had been making advancements of their own in how Word 2007 handled HTML content, based on HTML and CSS standards. So we made the decision to unify the rendering and editing engine in Outlook by using Word’s engine.

What's the justification? Doesn't this make it harder for Web designers to create HTML email messages--and harder for Outlook users to receive well-designed messages?
While there are some HTML and CSS attributes that aren’t currently supported by Word’s rendering engine, the capabilities that our customers most wanted for their HTML newsletters are supported by Outlook 2007.

See msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa338200.aspx and msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa338201.aspx for more details on what HMTL and CSS standards are and aren’t supported.

Why doesn't Microsoft use the same standards for Outlook 2007 as in IE7?
Customers using Outlook don’t just want to display HTML content, the way they do in their browser, but also have an expectation that they should be able to author that content as well.

A big thing we heard from customers is that they wanted the richness of the editing experience they were used to from Word integrated throughout Outlook. While IE7 is great, it was never intended to be an editing tool. That’s why we made the decision to use Word’s new HTML rendering engine for both reading and authoring content, which had been improved based on HTML and CSS standards. This allowed us to unify the rendering and editing engines together, rather than forcing customers using Outlook to use two different rendering engines (one for rendering HTML, the other for editing).

Are there any plans to add support for the other HTML and CSS standards to Word’s engine, and bring it into par with IE7?
The Word team is continually examining HTML and CSS support based on customer feedback.

27.01.2007 22:25 | пишет Pahan | ссылка

Млиин , специально сделал очередное усилие над собой , и в очередной раз перешел с Бата , с его никаким HTML и без возможности подгрузки картинок.
Открыл 2007 оутлук ... а там куча траблов с переносами строк приотсылке письма , а , например , письма с Subscribe.ru читать не возможно - только заголовок таблицы (видать не прошли они на валидаторе)
С кучи форумов приходят уведомления об ответе ... а ссылки не как ссылки , а как текст - приходится копи-пасте делать

попытался перейти на Оутлук2003 ... аннему уже ... много чё не хватает!!!


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